bienvenido al departamento español

Here at the Muschett High School the Spanish Department offers opportunities for students to practice meaningful communication in the Spanish language which can be helpful in the real world. Lessons are taught using the Communicative Approach coupled with the integration the STREAM Approach and is guided by the National Standards Curriculum. Students are given a variety of tasks which are geared towards improving basic speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in the target language. Students are also exposed to several aspects of the Spanish-speaking culture through videos, texts, displays, class discussions and the use of realia.
The Spanish Department also manages a Spanish Club which sets out to give students additional opportunities to participate in activities outside of class to improve their vocabulary and help to reinforce concepts that were taught in the classroom. In addition, students also participate in external workshops and competitions. To date we are recipients of Gold and Silver Awards for pieces entered in the National Spanish Festival.
¡Viva el español! ¡Sí se puede!